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Hosting Controller  Windows Linux Automation Windows Linux Hosting Automation - HC9
HC9 is a unified hosting automation control panel for web hosts and cloud based service providers to manage both Windows & Linux servers simultaneously as part of a single cluster. It includes automated billing & provisioning and support for third party applications including blogs, CMS, Ecommerce solutions, forums, website builder, photo gallery and web data manager. Learn more
HC Enterprise Solutions & VPS Control Panel
Hosting Controller offers a full solution suite for hosted Enterprise Applications creating a shared multi-tenant environment for automatic provisioning and comes with self-serve portal for end customer.
HC Enterprise & Virtualization  Suite
Hosting Controller Linux Control Panel Linux Hosting Automation - HCnix
HCnix is a Linux based web hosting automation control panel which facilitates web hosts to manage multiple Web, Mail, Database and DNS servers on different GNU/Linux flavors in a cluster through single interface. It is specifically designed to be used in a distributed server environment as an independent control panel. HCnix is also bundled with set of third party Click & Install apps. Learn more